Monday, August 30, 2021

On the Occasion of Śrīla Prabhupāda's 125th Āvirbhāva-tithiḥ


कृतं विना हरेर्ध्यानं त्रेतां विना हरेर्मखः ।​

विना द्वापरं हर्यर्च्चा भूमौ येन प्रसारिताः ॥​

श्रीश्रीमत्प्रभुपादाख्यं सङ्कीर्तनर्द्धिकारकम् ।​

परमाचार्यवर्यं तं प्रणमामि पुनः पुनः ॥​
kṛtaṁ vinā harer dhyānaṁ​
tretāṁ vinā harer makhaḥ​
vinā dvāparaṁ hary-arccā​
bhūmau yena prasāritāḥ​
paramācārya-varyaṁ taṁ​
praṇamāmi punaḥ punaḥ​
Translation: Everywhere on earth, he propagated meditation on Hari, although it's not Satya-yuga ; he propagated fire-sacrifice dedicated to Hari, although it's not Tretā-yuga ; and he propagated worship of Hari's deity, although it's not Dvāpara-yuga.​
Unto that personality who causes saṅkīrtana to increase in all ways ; unto my revered parama-guru named Śrīla Prabhupāda, I offer my obeisances again and again.​
— (Composed by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa on Śrīla Prabhupāda's 125th Āvirbhāva-tithiḥ) 🙂 _/\ò_

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Krishna's Auspicious First Cry


निद्राणे सति सूतिकापरिजने मात्रा समं सर्वतः​
सद्योजातशिशुस्वभावसरसं चक्रन्द बालो हरिः ।​
ॐकारः किमिवातनोद्भगवतः कण्ठोपकण्ठं गतः​
तल्लीलोत्सवकर्मणोऽस्य महतः प्राङ्मङ्गलद्योतनाम् ॥​
nidrāṇe sati sūtikā-parijane mātrā samaṁ sarvataḥ​
sadyo-jāta-śiśu-svabhāva-sarasaṁ cakranda bālo hariḥ​
oṁ-kāraḥ kim ivātanod bhagavataḥ kaṇṭhopakaṇṭhaṁ gataḥ​
tal-līlotsava-karmaṇo ’sya mahataḥ prāṅmaṅgala-dyotanām​
When Yaśodā along with all the servants were in deep sleep, the newborn child exhibited his sweet infant nature. Thus, Śrī Hari cried out — “auooo..uoooo..uuoo..oooomm”.​
It seemed as if the eternal sound vibration — "Oṁ" itself appeared in the throat of the Lord in the form of his first uttered sound vibration, and by its appearance it indicated the all-auspicious commencement of the great festival of Śrī Krishna’s pastimes on earth.​
— (Ānanda-vṛndāvana-campūḥ , 2.12)​
PS: In Vedic literature, two terms are considered to be very auspicious when uttered at the beginning of a text or event — "oṁ" and "atha" — oṁkāraś cātha-śabdaś ca dvāv etau brahmaṇaḥ purā / kaṇṭhaṁ bhittvā viniryātau tena māṅgalikāv ubhau. 🙂 _/\ò_

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Correct Use of 'Jayantī'

On many occasions, it is seen that some individuals (devotees included) refer to the appearance day of Śrī Balarāma as "Balarāma Jayantī".​ Some individuals go much ahead and start referring to the birthdays of great worldly individuals as 'Jayantī'.

It should be noted however that the term "Jayantī" is a technical term reserved for a very special day. The Hari-bhakti-vilāsa clearly says:​
aṣṭamī kṛṣṇa-pakṣasya​
bhavet prauṣṭhapade māsi​
jayantī nāma sā smṛtā​
Translation: "Jayantī" is the name of the eighth day of the dark fortnight aligned with the constellation named Rohiṇī in the month of Bhādrapada. (15.331)​
Thus, the term Jayantī is not to be associated even with the appearance day of Śrī Balarāma (what to speak of associating it with other worldly personalities). It is reserved only for the appearance day of Krishna. Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī has also specified in the Kṛṣṇa-sandarbha (29) — naivam avatārāntarasya kasya vā'nyasya janma-dinaṁ jayanty-ākhyayā'ti-prasiddhaṁ yathā śrī-kṛṣṇasya — "The appearance day of no other incarnation of bhagavān is known by the name Jayantī, and this term is reserved only for Śrī Kṛṣṇa."​
Wishing everyone a very joyous Balarāma Pūrṇimā 🙂 _/\ò_

Crookedness that Confuses

        ~ Crookedness that Confuses ~ ​ ​ (Two Freshly Composed Verses) ​ ​ श्रीराधा सरला त्रिभङ्गवपुषा साकं त्वया संस्थिता हस्तं सा ददती तव...