~ The Language of Krishna's Associates ~
The Brajabhāṣā that is present today originated around 1000A.D. This currently available form of Brajabhāṣā is not considered by the Gauḍīya-vaiṣṇava Ācāryas as a language used by the residents of Goloka. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī and the other Gosvāmīs did not use this language in their nāṭakas (dramas) while describing the interactions of Vrajavāsīs with each other.
Moreover, many Persian/Urdū terms got mixed in Brajabhāṣā and this resulted in a new dialect called Khaḍī-bolī . Thus, it is a mistake to say that the modern day spoken Brajabhāṣā (which contains many Persian/Urdū terms) was spoken by Krishna five thousand years ago.
In the first wave of the southern section of the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhuḥ, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī is listing the various qualities of Śrī Krishna. The seventh quality is — vividhādbhuta-bhāṣā-vit — He knows various wonderful languages.
While describing this quality, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī composes a verse which describes a statement that Kundavallī speaks to Śrī Rādhā:
(Meter: Mālinī)
vraja-yuvatiṣu śauriḥ śaurasenīṁ surendre
praṇata-śirasi saurīṁ bhāratīm ātanoti
ahaha paśuṣu kīreṣv apy apabhraṁsa-rūpāṁ
katham ajani vidagdhaḥ sarva-bhāṣāvalīṣu
Translation: Among the damsels of Vraja, he speaks the Śaurasenī language ;
With Indra who has his head bowed down, he elaborates his speech in Bhāratī (Sanskrit) ;
Amongst animals and birds like parrots, he speaks Apabhraṁśa.
It's amazing! How did our Krishna become such an expert in all these various languages?
— (Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhuḥ 2.1.66)
Thus, it is incorrect to say that the current version of Brajabhāṣā is the eternal language of the cowherd associates of Krishna. All languages (including the current version of Brajabhāṣā) are obviously understood by Krishna, and he also appreciates poetry written in all these languages. However, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī clearly indicates that the actual language spoken by the Vrajavāsī associates of Krishna is an ancient one named Śaurasenī. The Brajabhāṣā spoken nowadays is a modern modification of the ancient Śaurasenī. 

— (Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 06-November-2023).
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