Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Pinnacle of Elegant Love


~ The Pinnacle of Elegant Love ~​

यदमितरसशास्त्रे व्याञ्जि वैदग्ध्यवृन्दं
तदणुमपि न वेत्तुं कल्पते कामिलोकः ।
तदखिलमपि यस्य प्रेमसिन्धौ न किञ्चि-
न्मिथुनमजितगोपीरूपमेतद्विभाति ॥मालिनी॥
[Meter: Mālinī (Sing like govardhana-vāsa-prārthanā-daśakam)]:
yad amita-rasa-śāstre vyāñji vaidagdhya-vṛndaṁ
tad aṇum api na vettuṁ kalpate kāmi-lokaḥ
tad akhilam api yasya prema-sindhau na kiñcin
mithunam ajita-gopī-rūpam etad vibhāti
Hindi: अपार रसशास्त्र में कवियों नें जिस चतुराई से रसवैचित्री की विवेचना की है, कामी लोग उसका लेशमात्र भी जानने मे समर्थ नही हैं । अब वह समूचा रसशास्त्र भी जिनके प्रेमसमुद्र के सामने अतिशय छोटा प्रतीत होता है, वह राधा-कृष्ण का युगलस्वरूप अतिशय शोभायमान हो रहा है ।
— (गोपालचम्पूः, पूर्व, २४/१०४)
English Translation: In the limitless expanse of rasa literature, an enormous variety of romantic expertise has been expressed by the great poets. The typical lusty person cannot grasp even a tiny atom of that vast expertise.
Now, all that romantic expertise of rasa literature becomes absolutely insignificant in comparison to the ocean of prema of a particular divine couple. That couple having the eternal form of Rādhā-Krishna appears to be the most splendid [in the entirety of creation]. 🙂🙏
— (Gopāla-campūḥ, Pūrva, 24.104. Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa)

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Why Krishna and Balaram Selected A Śaiva Guru



According to the Gopāla-campūḥ (Uttara, 8th Pūraṇa), Sāndīpani Muni was a Śaiva (worshipper of Bhagavān Śiva). Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī says that Krishna and Balarāma had the following thought before they selected a guru —
yaḥ śabde brahmaṇi niṣṇātaṁ śaivaś ca bhavati, sa eva puru-guru-kartavyaḥ
Translation: [Krishna and Balarāma thought] — "Thus, someone who is expert in śabda-brahma (Vedas) and one who is a Śaiva should be selected as our revered guru" (End of Translation)
The Gopāla-campūḥ further describes that they did not want to select a vaiṣṇava such as Śrī Vyāsadeva as a guru because a vaiṣṇava would understand the position of Krishna and Balarāma and hence would be unable to act in the position of a guru. Thus, a Śaiva staying in Ujjain (the abode of Śiva), was selected in the form of Sāndīpani Muni. 🙏
— (Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 16 Sep 2023)

Thursday, September 14, 2023

A Beautiful Example of Nāmābhāsa



~ A Beautiful Example of Nāmābhāsa ~
वने चरामो वसु चाहरामो नदींस्तरामो न भयं स्मरामः ।
इतीरयन्तोऽपि वने किराता मुक्तिं गता रामपदानुषङ्गात् ॥उपजाति॥
[Meter — upajāti (Sing like gurv-aṣṭakam)]:
vane carāmo vasu cāharāmo
nadīṁs tarāmo na bhayaṁ smarāmaḥ
itīrayanto'pi vane kirātā
muktiṁ gatā rāma-padānuṣaṅgāt
Translation: In great fervour, the dacoits in the forest sung raucously :—
vane carāmaḥ — We roam in the forests.
vasu cāharāmaḥ — We loot wealth.
nadīṁs tarāmaḥ — We effortlessly cross rivers.
na bhayaṁ smarāmaḥ — We know no fear.
Thus, even the forest-dwelling dacoits attained liberation by their constant contact with the name — "Rāma". 🙂🙏
— (Verse attributed to Rāma-candrāṣṭaka-stotram of Amara-dāsa. Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa.)

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Perfection of All Yugas



~ The Perfection of All Yugas ~
विबभूव विना सत्यं ध्यानं त्रेतां विना मखः
विना द्वापरमभ्यर्चा हरेर्नाम कलिं विना
vibabhūva vinā satyaṁ
dhyānaṁ tretāṁ vinā makhaḥ
vinā dvāparam abhyarcā
harer nāma kaliṁ vinā
[At that time]:
— Even though it was not Satya-yuga, everyone meditated perfectly on Krishna.
— Even though it was not Tretā-yuga, the priests performed fire-sacrifices.
— Even though it was not Dvāpara-yuga*, the pujārīs worshipped the Viṣṇu-deities perfectly.
— and even though Kali-yuga had not yet arrived, the holy name of Krishna was resounding everywhere.
In this way, the simultaneous execution of the supreme perfection processes of the respective four ages was seen after the appearance of Śrī Krishna.
— (From the Gopāla-campūḥ, Pūrva, 3rd Pūraṇa)
* — It was not exactly dvāpara-yuga because Dvāpara had almost reached its end and such a time is technically known as Yuga-sandhyā (the period between the two yugas when the former yuga has ended and the new yuga has not yet started).

Crookedness that Confuses

        ~ Crookedness that Confuses ~ ​ ​ (Two Freshly Composed Verses) ​ ​ श्रीराधा सरला त्रिभङ्गवपुषा साकं त्वया संस्थिता हस्तं सा ददती तव...