~ The Pinnacle of Elegant Love ~
यदमितरसशास्त्रे व्याञ्जि वैदग्ध्यवृन्दं
तदणुमपि न वेत्तुं कल्पते कामिलोकः ।
न्मिथुनमजितगोपीरूपमेतद्विभाति ॥मालिनी॥
[Meter: Mālinī (Sing like govardhana-vāsa-prārthanā-daśakam)]:
yad amita-rasa-śāstre vyāñji vaidagdhya-vṛndaṁ
tad aṇum api na vettuṁ kalpate kāmi-lokaḥ
tad akhilam api yasya prema-sindhau na kiñcin
mithunam ajita-gopī-rūpam etad vibhāti
Hindi: अपार रसशास्त्र में कवियों नें जिस चतुराई से रसवैचित्री की विवेचना की है, कामी लोग उसका लेशमात्र भी जानने मे समर्थ नही हैं । अब वह समूचा रसशास्त्र भी जिनके प्रेमसमुद्र के सामने अतिशय छोटा प्रतीत होता है, वह राधा-कृष्ण का युगलस्वरूप अतिशय शोभायमान हो रहा है ।
— (गोपालचम्पूः, पूर्व, २४/१०४)
English Translation: In the limitless expanse of rasa literature, an enormous variety of romantic expertise has been expressed by the great poets. The typical lusty person cannot grasp even a tiny atom of that vast expertise.
Now, all that romantic expertise of rasa literature becomes absolutely insignificant in comparison to the ocean of prema of a particular divine couple. That couple having the eternal form of Rādhā-Krishna appears to be the most splendid [in the entirety of creation]. 

— (Gopāla-campūḥ, Pūrva, 24.104. Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa)
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