Thursday, July 28, 2022

An Earnest Prayer for Forgiveness


निःसङ्ख्या मम पूर्वजन्मसु मया ये केऽपराधाः कृता-​

स्तैर्जीवा विविधा बभूवुरनिशं सम्पीडिताः सत्यतः ।​
तान् सर्वानधुनाऽतिलज्जितमना याचे क्षमां नैकधा​
सर्वे ते शतशः क्षमेयुरिह मां निःशेषदुःखार्दितम् ॥ [शार्दूलविक्रीडितम्]​
[Meter: śārdūla-vikrīḍitam (same as ṣaḍ-gosvāmy-aṣṭakam)]:​
niḥsaṅkhyā mama pūrva-janmasu mayā ye ke'parādhāḥ kṛtās​
tair jīvā vividhā babhūvur aniśaṁ sampīḍitāḥ satyataḥ​
tān sarvān adhunā'ti-lajjita-manā yāce kṣamāṁ naikadhā​
sarve te śataśaḥ kṣameyur iha mām niḥśeṣa-duḥkhārditam​
Translation: In all my previous births, whatever countless transgressions of behaviour were committed by me, undoubtedly made various living entities constantly and exceedingly distressed.​
Now, with a mind laden with extreme shame, I beg forgiveness in various ways to each and every one of those living entities. May they all forgive me hundreds of times, for I am tormented by unlimited distresses in this world.​
— Composed by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 29 July 2022.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Beauty Lies in the Eye of Śāstra

सर्वाङ्गैः सर्वरम्यो हि कश्चिल्लक्षे प्रजायते ।​
शास्त्रमानेन यो रम्यः स रम्यो नान्य एव हि ॥​
शास्त्रमानविहीनं यदरम्यं तद्विपश्चिताम् ।​
एकेषामेव तद्रम्यं लग्नं यत्र च यस्य हृत् ॥​
sarvāṅgaiḥ sarva-ramyo hi​
kaścil lakṣe prajāyate​
śāstra-mānena yo ramyaḥ​
sa ramyo nānya eva hi​
śāstra-māna-vihīnaṁ yad​
aramyaṁ tad vipaścitām​
ekeṣām eva tad ramyaṁ​
lagnaṁ yatra ca yasya hṛt​
Translation: Among lakhs of deities, only one may be found to exude complete, all-attractive beauty through all its limbs. Truly speaking, "beautiful" is defined according to the standards of śāstra. Nothing else is considered as all-beautiful. Whatever is devoid of śāstric beauty standards is considered as unattractive by the learned. Such entities devoid of śāstric beauty standards are usually pleasing only to select people, because only their specific hearts get attracted to it. — (Śukra-nītiḥ, 4.107 - 108)

Friday, July 15, 2022

Coloring Each Other's Lives


श्यामः कटाक्षनिक्षेपाद्गोपीनां नूनमच्युतः ।​
गोप्यः पीतांशुकध्यानात् पीतिमानं ध्रुवं दधुः ॥​
śyāmaḥ kaṭākṣa-nikṣepād​
gopīnāṁ nūnam acyutaḥ​
gopyaḥ pītāṁśuka-dhyānāt​
pītimānaṁ dhruvaṁ dadhuḥ​
Translation: Without a doubt, Acyuta is dark-hued because the [dark eyed beautiful] gopīs cast their side-long glances upon him. The gopīs on the other hand, are certainly golden hued due to constantly meditating upon his golden-hued garment.​
— (Sāhitya-kaumudī of Śrīla Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa 10.34. Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa)

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Recursive Desires


देहार्बुदानि भगवन् युगपत् प्रयच्छ​
वक्त्रार्बुदानि च पुनः प्रतिदेहमेव ।​
जिह्वार्बुदानि कृपया प्रतिवक्त्रमेव​
नृत्यन्तु तेषु तव नाथ! गुणार्बुदानि ॥ [वसन्ततिलकम्]​
[Meter: vasanta-tilakam (Sing like brahma-saṁhitā)]:​
dehārbudāni bhagavan yugapat prayaccha​
vaktrārbudāni ca punaḥ pratideham eva​
jihvārbudāni kṛpayā prativaktram eva​
nṛtyantu teṣu tava nātha! guṇārbudāni​
Give me ten million bodies, Lord!​
At once, give them to me.​
In each of them, do please award​
ten million mouths with glee.​
Ten million tongues per mouth, I need.​
O Lord! Give me my chance.​
On every tongue, ten million deeds​
of yours, may always dance.​

— Anurāga-vallī of Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura, Verse 1. Poetic translation by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 03-April-2022.

Crookedness that Confuses

        ~ Crookedness that Confuses ~ ​ ​ (Two Freshly Composed Verses) ​ ​ श्रीराधा सरला त्रिभङ्गवपुषा साकं त्वया संस्थिता हस्तं सा ददती तव...