A newly composed glorification of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī using all the noun declensions of Sanskrit Grammar. This verse has been composed on similar lines to Mukunda-mālā-stotram (Verse 43 of BBT Edition). A Hindi Translation of the verse is given in the comments.
रूपेणामितभक्तितत्त्वमवितं रूपाय शश्वन्नमः ।
रूपात् कोऽपि न गौरहृन्निकटगो रूपस्य रूपं वरं
रूपे प्रीतिरिहास्तु मे दृढतमा श्रीरूप मां पालय ॥ [शार्दूलविक्रीडितम्]
[Meter: śārdūla-vikrīḍitam]
śrī-rūpo hari-bhakti-sāgara-matho rūpaṁ suvandai sadā
rūpeṇāmita-bhakti-tattvam avitaṁ rūpāya śaśvan namaḥ
rūpāt ko'pi na gaura-hṛn-nikaṭa-go rūpasya rūpaṁ varaṁ
rūpe prītir ihāstu me dṛḍhatamā śrī-rūpa! māṁ pālaya
1) Nominative/Subject — śrī-rūpo hari-bhakti-sāgara-mathaḥ — Śrī Rūpa is the churner of the ocean of Hari-bhakti.
2) Accusative/Object — rūpaṁ suvandai sadā — May I always thoroughly glorify Śrī Rūpa.
3) Instrumental — rūpeṇāmita-bhakti-tattvam avitam — An immensely great number of philosophical truths related to Bhakti were protected by Śrī Rūpa.
4) Dative — rūpāya śaśvan namaḥ — Constant obeisances to Śrī Rūpa.
5) Ablative — rūpāt ko'pi na gaura-hṛn-nikaṭa-gaḥ — There is nobody in the world as close to Gaura's heart as Śrī Rūpa.
6) Genitive — rūpasya rūpaṁ varam — Śrī Rūpa's beauty is excellently superior.
7) Locative — rūpe prītir ihāstu me dṛḍhatamā — May my affection in Śrī Rūpa be the strongest in this world.
8 ) Vocative — śrī-rūpa! māṁ pālaya — O Śrī Rūpa! Please take care of me. __/\ò__
— (Composed and Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 30 September 2022).