A beautiful song in Sanskrit (and some Marathi) composed by Shri Balavanta Pāṇḍuraṅga Kirloskar in his "Saṅgīta-saubhadra-nāṭakam"
Sung beautifully by Shri Anand Bhate and Shri Rahul Deshpande.:
rādhādhara-madhu-milinda! jaya! jaya!
ramā-ramaṇa! hari-govinda! (refrain)
Translation: O bumblebee who drinks the honey from the lower-lip of Rādhā! Victory to you! Victory to you! O Krishna, who sports with multitudes of Ramā-devīs! O Hari! O Govinda!
sura-nuta-pādāravinda! jaya! jaya!
Translation: O Krishna, decorated with sand-particles from the banks of the Yamunā! O Krishna, whose lotus-feet are glorified by the gods! Victory to you! Victory to you!
uddhṛta-naga! madhv-arindamānagha!
satyapāṇḍa-paṭa-kuvinda! jaya! jaya!
Translation: O lifter of the mountain (Govardhana)! O crusher of the enemy named Madhu! O sinless one! O Protector of the Truth (satyapa)! O weaver of the cloth-like universe (aṇḍa-paṭa-kuvinda)! Victory to you! Victory to you!
balavat-stutiteṁ na ninda! jaya! jaya!
Translation: O Krishna, who plays around in the homes of the gopas as well as in the courtyard of his guru Sandipani! Please do not trivialize this glorification by Balavanta! Victory to you! Victory to you!
— Article and Translation by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 09-December-2021.