Blissful Trickery
[A song in barāḍi-rāga composed by Śrī Harivallabha Dāsa a.k.a. Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura]
[Intro: Śrī Rādhā is afraid of getting out of her home at night, because the transcendental trickster Krishna may trouble her. Śrī Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura in his perfected body as her sakhi speaks reassuring words to her as follows.]
কাহে ডরসি ধনি! চলু হাম সঙ্গ ।
মাধব নাহি পরশিব তুযা অঙ্গ ॥
kāhe ḍarasi dhani! calu hāma saṅga |
mādhava nāhi paraśiba tuyā aṅga ||
O Dhani (Rādhā)! Why are you afraid? Come with me. Do not worry! That Mādhava will never ever be able to touch any part of your body.
[Note: This is merely a trick. Śrī Rādhā innocently believes this sakhi, and the sakhi takes her deep within the forest. Now that Śrī Rādhā is in the forest, this sakhi starts saying something else.]
এ রজনী ফুল-কানন-মাঝ ।
কো এক ফিরত সাজি বহু সাজ ॥
কুসুমকো ঘোর ধনুক ধরি পানি ।
মারত শর বালাজন জানি ॥
e rajanī phula-kānana-mājha |
ko eka phirata sāji bahu sāja ||
kusumako ghora dhanuka dhari pāni |
mārata śara, bālā-jana jāni ||
Sakhi! Please be aware. In this dense, flowery forest, an unknown dangerous person roams around, fully decorated with weapons. He carries a deadly flower bow in his hands, and as soon as he sees an innocent girl, he mercilessly shoots her down with his arrows.
[Note: Śrī Rādhā's anxiety is increasing. In desperation, she asks this sakhi what to do. The sakhi now advises her as follows.]
অত এ চলহ সখি! ভিতর কুঞ্জ ।
যহি হরি রহত মহাবল পুঞ্জ ॥
এত কহি আনল ধনী হরিপাশ ।
পূরল বল্লভসুখ অভিলাষ ॥
ata e calaha sakhi! bhitara kuñja |
yahi hari rahata , mahābala puñja ||
eta kahi, ānala dhanī, hari-pāśa |
pūrala vallabha-sukha abhilāṣa ||
"Therefore O Sakhi! Please come with me inside this Kuñja, where a particular Hari [= Lion (hidden meaning: Krishna) ] stays. This Hari is a storehouse of great strength [and thus, you will be safe from the hunter who targets innocent girls]".
Saying this, Dhani (Rādhā) was taken near Hari. In this way, the blissful desire of Vallabha (Harivallabha Dāsa a.k.a. Śrī Viśvanātha Cakravartī) was finally fulfilled. 

— Song taken from Kṣaṇadā-gīta-cintāmaṇi. Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 01-May-2023.
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