The pastime of Nala and Damayanti is described in the Mahābhārata. It is also described beautifully in the Naiṣadhīya-caritam of the renowned poet Śrī Harṣa. The story goes that Damayanti was the princess of the kindgom of Vidarbha. King Nala from the Niṣādha kingdom got attracted to her, and they exchanged messages of love by making a bird (specifically, a swan) as their messenger. In this love story, Damayanti ended up obtaining Nala as her husband.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Saving Nala's Relatives from Anala
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Fried and Flavoursome Devotional Seeds
सर्पिर्भृष्टतमा गुडक्वथिततामाप्ताश्च धाना यथा
Monday, September 20, 2021
Krishna-līlā in one Verse
There is a verse titled 'Eka-ślokī bhāgavatam' (Bhāgavatam in one verse) published in the Kalyāṇa Magazine (Vol. 60, Page 131) published by Gītā Press, Gorakhpur. A screenshot of it is attached to this article. The verse is as follows (sing like ṣaḍ-gosvāmy-aṣṭakam):
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Gaṇeśa-caturthī and Śrī-Rādhikā's moon-like Face
Today is the fourth day of the bright fortnight of the month of Bhādrapada, also popularly known as Gaṇeśa-caturthī. This festival is celebrated with great fervor in the western part of India in the state of Maharashtra. There is a wonderful historical incident that took place on this day.
Crookedness that Confuses
~ Crookedness that Confuses ~ (Two Freshly Composed Verses) श्रीराधा सरला त्रिभङ्गवपुषा साकं त्वया संस्थिता हस्तं सा ददती तव...
Mudrās are specific gestures made using the hands for certain ritualistic or spiritual purposes. The jñāna-mudrā is one such mudrā, wherein ...
Although vaiṣṇavism is ultimately a matter of one's inner mood and disposition towards Bhagavān, there are still some external symbols t...
[An Excerpt from Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī's Bhakti-sandarbha, Anuccheda 172] nāmno balād yasya hi pāpa-buddhir na vidyate tasya yamair h...