There is a verse titled 'Eka-ślokī bhāgavatam' (Bhāgavatam in one verse) published in the Kalyāṇa Magazine (Vol. 60, Page 131) published by Gītā Press, Gorakhpur. A screenshot of it is attached to this article. The verse is as follows (sing like ṣaḍ-gosvāmy-aṣṭakam):
मायापूतनिजीविताघहरणं गोवर्धनोद्धारणम् ।
कंसच्छेदनकौरवादिहननं कुन्तीसुतापालन-
मेतद्भागवतं पुराणकथितं श्रीकृष्णलीलामृतम् ॥
ādau devaki-deva-garbha-jananaṁ gopī-gṛhe vardhanaṁ
māyā-pūtani-jīvitāgha-haraṇaṁ govardhanoddhāraṇam
kaṁsac-chedana-kauravādi-hananaṁ kuntī-sutāpālanam
etad bhāgavataṁ purāṇa-kathitaṁ śrī-kṛṣṇa-līlāmṛtam
Approx Translation: In the beginning, the birth of Devaki's godly son ; then his growing up in the home of Yaśodā gopī ; then the removal of sins of the witch Pūtanā ; then the uplifting of Govardhana ; then the killing of Kaṁsa and Kauravas and then the complete protection of Kuntī's sons — this is the nectar of Krishna's pastimes spoken in the Purāṇa named Bhāgavatam. (End of Translation)
However, there are some technical issues with the verse. The term देवकि (devaki) with the short 'i' is never to be found in any Sanskrit work or lexicon. Also the term 'pūtani' ending with the short 'i' in the second line is not used in any Sanskrit literature for denoting the demoness Pūtanā. Sufficient to say, the verse has some technical issues, but is very sweet in its essential message.
Therefore, some modification of the verse is needed. With all respects to the author of the original verse, here is a modified version of the verse which maintains the flow of the tenth canto and very briefly describes Krishna-līlā in a single verse:
आदौ भूमिसुरावनाय जननं गोपीगृहे वर्धनं
मायापूतनिकात्मतापहरणं गोवर्धनोत्थापनम् ।
कंसच्छेदनमन्यदुष्टनृपभूभारस्य निःसारण-
मेतद्भागवते शुकप्रकथितं श्रीकृष्णलीलामृतम् ॥
ādau bhūmi-surāvanāya jananaṁ gopī-gṛhe vardhanaṁ
māyā-pūtanikātmatāpa-haraṇaṁ govardhanotthāpanam
kaṁsac-chedanam anya-duṣṭa-nṛpa-bhū-bhārasya niḥsāraṇam
etad bhāgavate śuka-prakathitaṁ śrī-kṛṣṇa-līlāmṛtam
Translation: In the beginning, the acceptance of birth for the sake of protecting the earth and the gods ; then growing up in Yaśodā-gopī's home ; then snatching away all the distresses of Pūtanā ; then lifting the Govardhana hill ; then the killing of Kaṁsa ; then removing the earthly burden consisting of other demoniac kings — this is the nectar of Krishna's pastimes described by Śukadeva Gosvāmī in the Śrīmad-bhāgavatam.
— 21 September 2021. Verse modification and Translation by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa.

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