सर्पिर्भृष्टतमा गुडक्वथिततामाप्ताश्च धाना यथा
रस्यन्ते स्वयमेव बीजवदमूस्तन्वन्ति नान्यस्पृहाम् ।
किन्तु स्याद्रसनीयरूपमिति चेद्युष्माकमास्तां कथा ॥ [शार्दूलविक्रीडितम्]
[Sing like ṣaḍ-gosvāmy-aṣṭakam]:
sarpir-bhṛṣṭa-tamā guḍa-kvathitatām āptāś ca dhānā yathā
rasyante svayam eva bīja-vad amūs tanvanti nānya-spṛhām
man-mātra-spṛhiṇāṁ madīya-bhajanaṁ no tadvad anya-spṛhāṁ
kintu syād rasanīya-rūpam iti ced yuṣmākam āstāṁ kathā
Translation: Seeds that are deep-roasted in ghee and then fried in jaggery syrup become laden with great rasa (taste) in themselves. [Moreover, even if one plants them in the soil], such rasa-laden seeds never germinate into further seeds.
Similarly, for those who long exclusively for me, the desire-seeds of their loving bhakti towards me are so laden with rasa (devotional sweetness) that they never ever germinate into seeds of worldly desires in the soils of their hearts. What then to speak of you dear gopīs [who never ever desired anyone besides me even in your dreams]!
— Gopāla-campūḥ (Pūrva, 21st Pūraṇa) of Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī. Translation by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 30-Sep-2021.

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