निःसङ्ख्या मम पूर्वजन्मसु मया ये केऽपराधाः कृता-
स्तैर्जीवा विविधा बभूवुरनिशं सम्पीडिताः सत्यतः ।
सर्वे ते शतशः क्षमेयुरिह मां निःशेषदुःखार्दितम् ॥ [शार्दूलविक्रीडितम्]
[Meter: śārdūla-vikrīḍitam (same as ṣaḍ-gosvāmy-aṣṭakam)]:
niḥsaṅkhyā mama pūrva-janmasu mayā ye ke'parādhāḥ kṛtās
tair jīvā vividhā babhūvur aniśaṁ sampīḍitāḥ satyataḥ
tān sarvān adhunā'ti-lajjita-manā yāce kṣamāṁ naikadhā
sarve te śataśaḥ kṣameyur iha mām niḥśeṣa-duḥkhārditam
Translation: In all my previous births, whatever countless transgressions of behaviour were committed by me, undoubtedly made various living entities constantly and exceedingly distressed.
Now, with a mind laden with extreme shame, I beg forgiveness in various ways to each and every one of those living entities. May they all forgive me hundreds of times, for I am tormented by unlimited distresses in this world.
— Composed by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 29 July 2022.