A Newly Composed Verse:
स वानरचयाय यद्वदददात् पुरा स्नेहम-
प्यहो कलियुगे तथैव पुनरैच्छदुत्सर्जनम् ।
प्रदातुमत एव वा-नरचयाय तं स्नेहमि-
त्यभूत् प्रणयवारिदः कपटवेशदामोदरः ॥पृथ्वी॥
[Meter: pṛthvī (sing like anarpita-carīṁ cirāt)]:
sa vānara-cayāya yadvad adadāt purā sneham apy
aho kali-yuge tathaiva punar aicchad utsarjanam
pradātumata eva vā nara-cayāya taṁ sneham ity
abhūt praṇaya-vāridaḥ kapaṭa-veśa-dāmodaraḥ
Translation: How wonderful! Just as he previously bestowed sneha (fatty butter) upon multitudes of vānaras (monkeys), he also similarly desired to bestow such gifts again in Kali-yuga.
Therefore, in order to thoroughly bestow sneha (love of God) upon multitudes of vā-naras (human beings), our deceitfully dressed Dāmodara became the great showering cloud of prema.

— Composed and Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 26-Oct-2021.
PS: Wordplay on two words in this verse. The first term is — "sneha", which has two meanings in Sanskrit — (1) Fatty Butter ; (2) Love of Krishna.
The second term is — "vānara", whose first meaning is — "monkey". In the second instance, the same term has been split as "vā nara", where the term "vā" is employed only as poetic embellishment (vākyālaṅkāra). Thus, in the second instance, "vā nara" simply means "nara" (human).
Recording Sample of Verse: https://voca.ro/1892A4n3tVEv
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