ऽभवं न च पुनर्भवेत् कलियुगे खलैरावृते ।
कुसङ्गतिरतः सतामनुचरो भवानीत्यसौ
बभूव गुरुदीक्षितः कपटवेशदामोदरः ॥पृथ्वी॥
[Meter: pṛthvī (same as anarpita-carīṁ cirāt)]:
urūkhala-kusaṅgatāv aham atīva-khinno purā
'bhavaṁ na ca punar bhavet kali-yuge khalair āvṛte
kusaṅgatir ataḥ satāmanucaro bhavānīty asau
babhūva guru-dīkṣitaḥ kapaṭa-veśa-dāmodaraḥ
Translation: "Previously, in the undesirable association of urū-khala (grinding mortar / big ruffians), I experienced immense dejection. Therefore, may I never ever again be in the bad association of urūkhala (big ruffians), especially in the age of Kali, which is filled with khalas (ruffians).
Therefore, may I become a devout follower of the sādhus." — thinking in this way, our Dāmodara dressed up deceitfully [as a sannyāsī] and accepted initiation from a bona-fide guru.

— Composed and Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 24-Oct-2021.
PS: Word-play on urūkhala — (1) Mortar ; (2) Big Ruffian. In Dvāpara-yuga, Krishna was tied to the mortar (urūkhala). He experienced immense dejection in that situation. Therefore in Kali-yuga, he no longer wanted association of any khala (ruffian), big or small. For this reason, he became a devout follower of the saintly souls in his appearance as Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
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