A Newly Composed Verse:
तदाऽतिविकलोऽभवं न च पुनर्गृहाबद्धताम् ।
प्रसूः कलियुगे करोत्विति विचिन्त्य वैराग्यधृग्
बभूव स यतीश्वरः कपटवेशदामोदरः ॥पृथ्वी॥
[Meter: pṛthvī (sing like anarpita-carīṁ cirāt)]:
purā khalu yaśodayā gṛha-nibaddha āsaṁ yadā
tadāti-vikalo 'bhavaṁ na ca punar gṛhābaddhatām
prasūḥ kaliyuge karotv iti vicintya vairāgya-dhṛg
babhūva sa yatīśvaraḥ kapaṭa-veśa-dāmodaraḥ
Translation: "Previously, as Krishna, I was gṛha-nibaddha (tied inside the home) by Mother Yaśodā. At that time, I became extremely distressed. Now again in Kali-yuga, my mother [Śacī] should not make arrangements for me to become gṛha-nibaddha (tied to a wife)".
Thinking in this way, our Dāmodara dressed himself deceitfully, took to renunciation, and became the Lord of all sannyāsīs.

— Composed and Translated by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 24-Oct-2021.
PS: The term "gṛham" has two meanings here — (1) Home ; (2) Wife. Due to these two meanings, the compound term "gṛha-nibaddhaḥ" also has two meanings — (1) Bound inside a home ; (2) Bound to a wife.
These two meanings of "gṛham" are given in the Sanskrit lexicons — gṛhaṁ gṛhāś ca puṁ bhūmni kalatre'pi ca sadmani (Medinī-kośa). Moreover, the second meaning of "gṛham" (wife) is also mentioned in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi, 15.27) — gṛhiṇī gṛham ucyate — "The wife is the gṛham".
A sample recording of the verse can be heard at : https://voca.ro/105JQJeApCtb
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