To get a darśana of Krishna before one's death is considered to be the pinnacle of all good fortune. Devotees such as Bhīṣma have experienced such unparalleled good fortune at the moment of their death. Not only was Krishna present right in front of Bhīṣma, he was also gazing at him eye to eye at the final moment. Such good fortune falls in the category of — na bhūto na bhaviṣyati (never happened in the past, nor will it ever happen in the future).
At the same time, there are individuals who saw although Krishna face to face, but did not have the good fortune of Krishna gazing back at them affectionately. One such unfortunate soul was Pūtanā. The Śrīmad-bhāgavatam describes that as soon as she came in front of Krishna, he became — nimīlitekṣaṇaḥ. In other words, he closed his eyes. Now God may have his reasons for doing what he does, but what matters more is the reasons that he reveals in the devotee's hearts.
In the heart of Śrī Harisūri, there are many reasons for Krishna closing his eyes. These reasons are revealed to him by Krishna's mercy. As soon as Śrī Harisūri meditates on Krishna closing his eyes, he finds a new realization in his heart gifted by Krishna himself. He then puts down his pen and composes the following verse describing the reason behind Krishna closing his eyes:
अस्यै दुष्टान्तरायै रिपुहितमतये कामपीशो नु दद्यान्-
निम्नां वा प्रोन्नतां वा गतिमिह यदसौ सर्वतन्त्रस्वतन्त्रः ।
आवाभ्यां स्वात्ममार्गौ मुनिसुजननुतौ दीयते नेति मन्ये
श्रैशं चक्रेऽक्षियुग्मं रविविधुलसितं पक्ष्मसद्द्वारगुप्तिम् ॥स्रग्धरा॥
[Meter: sragdharā (sing like vande'haṁ śrī-guroh)]:
asyai duṣṭāntarāyai ripu-hita-mataye kām apīśo nu dadyān
nimnāṁ vā pronnatāṁ vā gatim iha yad asau sarva-tantra-svatantraḥ
āvābhyāṁ svātma-mārgau muni-sujana-nutau dīyate neti manye
śraiśaṁ cakre'kṣi-yugmaṁ ravi-vidhu-lasitaṁ pakṣma-sad-dvāra-guptim
[The Sun and the Moon Thought] — "The Supreme Lord is fully independent in all respects. For this reason, he may freely bestow an elevated position or a degraded hellish destination upon this cruel-hearted witch who's intent only on helping Krishna's enemies. As Krishna's servants however, it is best that we both should not keep our doors open for this witch, since these doors of ours are worshipable even for the great sages and saints."
Thinking in this way, the sun and the moon ended up closing their respective auspicious gates belonging to the Lord's by using his eyelids as a cover. (End of Translation)
— Bhakti-rasāyanam of Śrī Harisūri. Article and Translation by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa. 09-Oct-2021.
PS: The sun and the moon are the two eyes of Krishna — śaśi-sūrya-netram (Bhagavad-gītā 11.19). The sun and the moon blocked their auspicious exit gates for Pūtanā. Of course, Krishna carved a new path for her that took her directly to Goloka. It is truly said — kṛṣṇād anyaḥ ko vā latāsv api prema-do bhavati — "Who besides Krishna is capable of bestowing prema even upon inanimate creepers?" (Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi, 3.27).
